Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Designing: Stage 1

I haven't been terribly productive in generating new charms, though I have been productive in making them more sturdy and resilient to wear; overall better prepped for selling.

Today I did begin designing some new charms! That is to say that a few weeks ago I designed a few of these on paper, but have since lost the notebook I scribbled them into. So instead I translated them from my memory to a digital form.

This is how I generally start out designing my original charm designs! Sketches!
I've been toying with different layouts for the heart-shaped dragons and gryphons, but it's difficult to create a charm that actually looks aesthetically pleasing and is still a heart shape.

Some drawings don't make it past the initial design phase.
Gryphon! Or Griffin, if you prefer.
Alternatively may be designed with ear-feathers
Generic bird, can be altered both in sculpt and paint-job to reflect just about any species with a moderate beak size.
 And finally a semi-heart-shaped gryphon! to match the dragons of the same size/shape.